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  • Sleek and Discreet
    Long-Distance Wireless Transmission
    Capable of transmitting signals over 100 feet
  • Durable Mobility
    Durable Installation
    Built for reliable and long-term use with metal housing and mounts
  • Wireless Interference Protection
    Wireless Interference Protection
    Equipped with features to prevent interference from other wireless devices
  • Multiple Connection Options
    Loop-Out Ports for Local Monitoring
    Allows for local monitoring of the wirelessly transmitted signal


There is a reason our customers return to us time and again for advice, add-ons, and system expansion. Our belief in our products is demonstrated in our 3-year A/V Equipment and 5-year Camera Warranties, and our pride in customer service is backed by a team of highly trained sales and technical support engineers. Our ever-expanding Knowledge Base features step by step guides for setup and integration, and our YouTube channel features in depth dives into the setup, configuration, and features of our diverse family of products.